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Columbia Celebrates 4th Night Of Hanukkah

This 30 year tradition is a part of what's being called the world's largest Hanukkah observance. 

Columbia, SC (WLTX)- The City of Columbia lit up one of 15,000 Public Menorahs worldwide, symbolizing a universal message of religious freedom.

Chabad of South Carolina organized the Menorah lighting at the State House for Tuesday night. The ceremony featured Senator Joel Lourie, Representative Beth Bernstein, mayor Steve Benjamin and leaders from the Jewish community.

For Nathan Pavlovsky, one thing that stood out to him about the gathering was how people came together no matter the background.

Rabbi Hesh Epstein said this is not the time to stay silent when it comes to recognizing the value of each other's culture, "we don't have to be afraid to be who we are. We don't have to worry about someone knocking at our door and taking us away" he said.

This 30 year tradition is a part of what's being called the world's largest Hanukkah observance.

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