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How A Local All-Star Got His Unique Name

Columbia's Dash Winningham has a one of kind name and his family is proud that it's something people will remember as he continues his baseball career.

The word Dash is a verb. It means to run somewhere in a great hurry or to strike something somewhere with great force. That second definition applies to power hitter Dash Winningham of the Columbia Fireflies. Yep, that verb is an actual name.

"I really don't know how my parents got it," Dash said. "I don't know. My mom liked the name, my dad agreed with it and I mean it's worked out so far. I'm not the fastest guy but it's a unique name and everyone loves it"

But how did Dash come up on the list of baby names? Momma Dash, Terri Winningham, has the answer to that.

"Actually I thought I was having a girl so I didn't have a name for Dash when he was born. I was just looking for a different name and I seen Dash. That's before the Incredibles came out and he's not the fastest kid in the world but he's our Dash," Terri said.

Creative names run in the family. Dash's older brother is called Moose. That's right Moose. But His real name is Christian. Moose was the named given to him by his grandmother when she learned he was 9 pounds 6 ounces when he was born.

Legend has it that he broke some bones in an umpires body diving into home playing during a high school game. People called 911 and said the umpire was hit by a moose. They weren't kidding. That's how he got his nickname. His littler brother Dash is making a name for himself too.

Dash is from Ocala, Florida. The Columbia returner has 11 homers to pace the Fireflies but the South Atlantic League all-star with the odd name has become a leader.

"I learned a lot about myself last year. I feel like I'm more mature this year and know how to handle situations better. I just try to stay locked in, try to help the team out in the dugout if I'm not playing. If I'm coaching first base or if I'm playing first base or playing that day I'm just trying to help the team out," Dash said. "I try to score runs or drive in runs or do whatever I have to do."

Names like Dash and Moose maybe uncommon but the Winninghams have a common bond that holds them together.

"He loves baseball. Moose played baseball, Dash plays baseball. We love baseball. We watch baseball all the time. We just love it so it's in our blood," Terri said.

Dash Winningham and the Fireflies hit the road for a seven game road trip this week before returning to Spirit Communications Park on July 12.

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