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Midlands Walmart Cashier Helps Pay for Family's Groceries

(WLTX) -- A family of five is grateful for a kind gesture made by one Walmart employee Saturday.

According to a Facebook post by shopper Ashley Jordan, she and her husband were grocery shopping at the Walmart store located on Garners Ferry Road. The family was "at a loss of words" when Sharnique Dasant paid for half of their items.

She says she doesn't like shopping at the store because sometimes people are rude and her husband's check goes to feeding his family. She says she is a stay-at-home mom.

"You guys look like you need a blessing tonight," is what the cashier told Jordan as she was ringing up her items. Jordan also had her "fussy" one-year-old child with her in line. Dasant left her register and returned with a blessing indeed for the family.

Jordan says she thanked Dasant and knew that "things were going to be OK because there truly are good people out there."

Jordan's Facebook post has received more than 6,000 reactions and 1,400 shares.

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