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A Whitsett man's perfect car starts bubbling with tiny problems

The windshield on Chris Medina's car started to get a lot of bubbles around the edges. As the months went on, more bubbles appeared and they continued to grow.

WHITSETT, N.C. — Ask Chris Medina about his Toyota Corolla and he gets a smile on his face. The 2018 Corolla is more than just a metal frame and four wheels to Medina.

“It’s been great I can’t complain,” Medina said. “It handles great, turns on a dime, they made a great car.”

I’m not sure there’s such a thing as a perfect car but Medina certainly felt like he found it. The car for all practical purposes was perfect.

Like most cars, though even the great ones will have a problem at some point. One day Medina was getting into the car, and he noticed some tiny bubbles forming around the edges of his windshield. A few months passed and Medina noticed more bubbles. The problem continued and some of the bubbles were getting big.

“Over the years you could see it, more bubbles, more bubbles, more bubbles,” Medina said.

Finally, Medina took the car to a local dealership to see what could be done. It appeared there was a defect of the sort in the glass windshield. The bubbles seemed to be some sort of air that was forming between the two sheets of glass.

“We took it over (to the dealership) and explained the issue, what was going on and (they) said not it’s under warranty, sorry,” Medina said.

Medina did some checking and discovered the cost to replace the windshield was around $1,500. The price was a bit too much for Medina to just accept and pay for it on his own.

“If it was my fault, I would pay for it but this is a manufacturer defect,” Medina said.

After trying to work with the dealership about replacing the glass, Medina called WFMY News 2 for assistance.

“You were my last resort believe it or not,” Medina said.

It’s a good thing he remembered us because after we contacted the dealership, it agreed to replace the windshield at no cost to Medina.

“I have to say, I really do appreciate it, (your) due diligence I truly appreciate it, I couldn’t have done it without you,” Medina said.

Maybe the best news is the smile that’s back on Medina’s face when you ask him about his car. It’s back to being perfect.

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