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SC Religious Leaders Share Hopes for New Year

Members of the Interfaith Partners of South Carolina agree the new year has to be about unity and love for us to see a better 2017.

Columbia, SC (WLTX) - In South Carolina, 2016 has had its fair share of devastating natural disasters, political divisiveness and violence. Members of the Interfaith Partners of South Carolina agree the new year has to be about unity and love for us to see a better 2017.

“With the help of God and with the help of all of the good people of faith all over this city and country, we'll be able to galvanize ourselves and make way for a new dawn, a new beginning, a new day,” Rabbi Jonathan Case said of his hope for the new year.

“We've got to shift the focus so that it's cool to be good to each other, to be caring. Compassion is not a sexy thing but it's key to our survival,” Pagan Priestess Holli Emore explained.

“Protecting Mother Earth and the sacredness of Mother Earth and all of our natural resources is something that's very innate with Native American spirituality,” Dr. Will Moreau Goins said. “So it's that kind of thing that we can continue to offer to all the globe.”

“To love thy neighbor as thyself and I think that's critical and that means crossing boundaries, being inclusive, being welcoming and the hospitality has to be at the forefront of who we are,” Christian Adrian Bird said of 2017.

“If at all possible we need to leave the islamophobia behind,” Muslim Mark Hill said passionately. “We’ve just come out of a very divisive election, so I think it’s time for people to try to come together, find some common goals, some common ground.”

“Sometimes we hear, but we don't listen, so it would be good for us in 2017 to start listening to one another,” Bahá'í Ethel Crawford suggested for the new year.

“The whole world is one large family,” Hindu Arunima Sinha said. “If we can approach the world with that kind of feelings, with that kind of mentality, and that kind of purpose in mind I think that the world will become a better place to live.”

The Interfaith Partners of South Carolina announced the launch of SC Interfaith Harmony Month Friday.

It's the fifth year in a row, Governor Nikki Haley has declared January South Carolina Interfaith Harmony Month.
For more information about the events, please visit: http://interfaithpartnersofsc.org/

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