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Department of Education hears first round to who will determine what students read in public schools

The South Carolina Department of Education board meeting heard from those who wanted the state to decide and others who want local school boards to decide.

The room overflowed Tuesday afternoon with people who came to give their opinions on whether books within school libraries should remain in the hands of school boards or be a statewide decision.   . 

During the meeting, council members taken through the rules and laws regarding books within the state's educational system.

“Y'all can’t make your decision based on your political opposition or disagreements to the viewpoints expressed in any book.”  said Miles Coleman a first amendment attorney, during his presentation to board members. 

For those questioning whether a book can be regulated or not it must meet two mandatory factors according to Coleman.

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“The two thresholds items (books) have to clear are age and developmentally appropriate which incorporates that vulgarly or obscenity standard and educationally suitable by being in a line with and in support of the states standards supporting state standards, " continued Coleman. 

The new proposal would give the State Board of Education final say in what can and can’t be read within public schools across the state. 

A variety of those opposing for the change spoke at the meeting. 

Concerned citizen Megan Baumgardner said, " We are talking about books being available in the public school library which should already adhere to our state's statutes regarding obscenity in our mutual materials. People are not being held accountable making sure those materials do not contain obscenities and pornographic material.”  

However, Jamie Gregory, a school librarian stresses the importance of democratic learning and notes not all children have to read particular books, they can always opt out. 

“Teachers can not predict how students are going to feel about what they learn in the classroom. That is an impossible position to put anyone in. and so that's why it's important for us to be in communication with parents and for parents to tell us that my student is reading this and they are having an negative reaction or I don't think my student can handle this. I used to be an English teacher before I was a librarian and I would provide opt out assignments all the time. We have always been willing to do that," said Gregory.  

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