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Updated Equipment Helps Dive Team Recover Victims

South Carolina Department of Natural Resources is using an updated piece of equipment that's helped find the recent drowning victims and is changing the game in recovery.

Lexington, SC (WLTX) -

In the last seven days there have been two drowning incidents at Lake Murray.

Now the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources is using an updated piece of equipment that’s helped find the recent victims and is changing the game in recovery. It's called a Diver Sonar System.

Sgt. Rhett Bickley of the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, explains how this piece of technology is revolutionary.

The difference between the current equipment and the older model sonar system is that the diver is able to use this device as a hand held unit, before the o

lder units could only be used from the boat. The new technology allows the diver to use goggles

allowing the them to see 17,000 square feet into the murky.

Sgt. Bickley emphasizes that this technology was instrumental in helping the diving crew quickly find two recent individuals who feel victim to drowning.

He shares, "What this does is turn day long searches into hour long searches or hour long searches into minutes bringing victims back to their family so they can begin closure faster."

Since they began using the technology Sgt. Bickley says the diving team has recovered nearly two dozen individuals from the water.

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