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New study finds indoor plants improve air quality

Spending time in nature can be refreshing and energizing, but did you know that bringing a piece of nature indoors can improve the air you breathe?

COLUMBIA, S.C. — A plant in an indoor space improves air quality, as well as aesthetics, as well as air quality. Researchers at the University of Sydney and Ambius, a plantscaping company, say exposure to different plants for only eight hours reduced toxic compounds by 97%.

Fraser Torpy, an Associate Professor at the University of Sydney, stated: “Not only can plants remove the majority of pollutants from the air in a matter of hours, they remove the most harmful gasoline-related pollutants from the air most efficiently, for example, the known carcinogen benzene is digested at a faster rate.”

The primary source of the majority of toxins identified in the study was attributed to vehicular emissions.

Offices and apartments frequently have direct access to parking lots, making it difficult to avoid gasoline-related compounds infiltrating the premises. Air quality is further impacted by gasoline fumes coming from nearby roads and highways.

According to the World Health Organization, poor air quality is responsible for 6.7 million premature deaths globally.

When it comes to combating harmful indoor air contaminants, plants remain the most effective, cost-effective, and sustainable solution.

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