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Bees create a buzz around a Sumter truck

Beekeeper Bobby Moye of Bishopville was called in to safely relocate the bees.

SUMTER, S.C. — A swarm of bees created quite the buzz in the Gamecock City on Tuesday. 

Pamela Cody sent WLTX a video of a swarm of bees taking over a truck belonging to the City of Sumter on Tuesday. 

Beekeeper Bobby Moye of Bishopville was called in to safely relocate the bees.

Moye explained that the swarm is a fairly common occurrence. He said bee hives will hatch a new queen bee when their hives get overcrowded, and the old queen bee will fly out and establish a new hive somewhere else.

Moye said he was able to relocate the bees by moving the queen bee after which the other bees followed.

If you encounter a swarm of bees, Moye said you shouldn't try to exterminate them. Instead, reach out to local beekeepers, who can help relocate the bees.

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