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President Joe Biden stops by Columbia barbershop

During his recent trip to Columbia, President Biden made a stop at a local business where we spoke with the owners and customers.

COLUMBIA, S.C. — A Columbia business got a once-in-a-lifetime visitor as President Biden stopped by this weekend.

That's how Landry Phillips, the owner of the Regal Lounge in Columbia, described his weekend as "surreal." Shortly after arriving in Columbia, President Joe Biden made a quick stop at the barbershop before heading to the state fairgrounds.

"He walks in, and you feel the presence of even like the Secret Service and stuff like that. It's kind of intimidating," Phillips said. "When he originally came in, we had clients who were receiving services, getting haircuts. He greeted us, my lovely wife, who is also one of the co-owners here. [He] shook hands with our team members, our clients who were being serviced, and then took some time to speak and engage with the people who were present at the time."

Phillips said he and his staff were told earlier in the week about the visit but were still surprised when he walked through the door. General manager Michael Comey described the encounter as once in a lifetime.

"It's an overwhelming experience, thinking about me personally, not being from America, and being part of such an experience is mind-blowing," Comey said.

Phillips said he spoke with the president about small businesses and the country's future.

As for whether President Biden or any Secret Service members were given haircuts, Phillips said they extended the offer.

"I think we both knew that probably wasn't on the table, but he did make a couple jokes that he would've loved to have had time to stop and do a massage," he said.

They said the hope is that this weekend will help shine a light on Columbia and their business.

"This is such a great opportunity for Regal Lounge and for each and every member of it. So we're just going to grow from here. It's going to get bigger and bigger," Comey said.

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