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Fried foods may be killing you, study says

New study explains how fried foods are bad and which ones are the worst.
Fried chicken

COLUMBIA, S.C. — While we all love fried chicken or french fries, most of us we realize fried foods aren't the best for our health. 

Now, a new study by researchers at the University of Iowa and published in the medical journal "The BMJ" explains why.

According to the study, more frequent total fried food consumption was associated with a higher risk of death.

Researchers studied about 107,000 women aged 50-79. The women completed detailed questionnaires about their dietary habits, then researchers tracked their health through 2017. 

Women who ate one or more servings of fried food a day had an 8 percent higher risk of death compared to women who did not.

The study also found these women had an 8 percent higher chance of dying specifically from cardiovascular disease.

Researchers found the foods that caused more frequent death were fried chicken and fried fish, but more research is needed to determine exactly why this happens.

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